Friday, 25 March 2016


UPDATE 16 August, 2016 --
Instead of being called to account for the scandalous mess in the Home Office - Theresa May became Prime Minister

UPDATE  The government spent £9million on "Bremain in EU" leaflets and will be sending every household one. £9million would have helped a lot of poor and disabled people.  It is crime.

The present Conservative (Tory) Government excels itself by wasting taxpayers’ money. Money which is so desperately needed by the poor and disabled and yet to be cut more.

The Home Office Secretary Theresa May is no exception.

The amount of the now defunct Border Agency must have cost millions of pounds. For years it hit the headline with scandals but nothing was done. Only last year Theresa May could not cover up their failures any more and the contract was cancelled.

The security of UK’s borders came back under the authority of the Home Office but so far did not show any improvement

Speaking of border control apparently the UK has not signed the Schenken agreement for open borders which enclosed the rule that Brussels is then responsible for the European Borders. Brussels seems to try to ignore this responsibility at a time of a great refugee crisis.  Another failure of Brussels.

However, if these facts are correctly reported why is PM David Cameron not closing the UK borders or drastically cutting down the influx of refugees?

For years there were demands to deport hate preachers from the UK but Theresa May first ignored it and then it dragged on for months and months. All this time it cost taxpayers’ money for courts and lawyers fees plus benefits.

At one stage she even missed the deportation date. It is unbelievable that such a blunder could have happened.

Now a report by the BBC highlights that 40 per cent of foreign criminals due to be send back were cancelled.  It amounts to 34,000 airline tickets cancelled in only 18 months.  Again the taxpayers were footing the bill of £1,4million. Again the Home Office is trying to reassure us that it will reduce the cancellation.   By now that public had too many re-assurances for too many failures and no improvement  was seen.

The reason was given for the great number of cancellation is that there were no security staffs to accompanying the deportees. The security service which provides the security guard was privatised and is the responsibility of TASCOR. That scandalous report reveals that on average it provides 15 minutes later than requested.

Every contractor seems to provide inadequate service and yet the Home Office Secretary Theresa May sits back and let it roll on.

Another scandal, the Home Office lost track of thousand of students whose visa had expired.  At such a dangerous time we live in at the moment it is unforgivable.
The whole situation seems to be out of control.

The Home Office said: “Work was already underway to address these recommendations relating the ticketing and escorting and accepted all of the chief inspectors recommendations.”

The main point is that it should have never escalated to such an extend in the first place and will it surprise us if in years to come the situation will still be the same.

We had for years the same white-wash been given every time a scandal hit the headlines yet nobody ever asked for Theresa May to resign.

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