Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Recently, Dr Kelly's body was exhumed without the consent of the family and was cremated. It was stated to be ordered by Blair and certainly confirms that he feared of some evidences to be found with the new technology; implicating him. The papers are under non-disclosure for 70 years; the longest ever. It was ordered by Blair. Blair should be in court for long time for his illegal war on a lie costing 1 million lives.

UPDATE: 6 Nov., 2019  --  There has still no inquiry been ordered into his death, after all those years. Recently a report stated that it is assumed Iraqis were thought to be guilty of murdering Dr Kelly but nothing had been proven. 

Somehow for the public to accept this statement is a bit hard because Dr Kelly stated categorically there are no Weapons of Mass-destruction. One thing is certain that Dr Kelly died after ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair named him as a weapon inspector in the Iraqi affair. This does not reflect on the Labour Party but on Tony Blair's irresponsibility.

Dr Kelly was a British Scientist and expert on biological warfare. He was employed by the British Ministry of Defence and formerly a UN weapon inspector in Iraq.  Before war it was claimed that Iraq had “Weapon of Mass Destructions”. 

Mr Bush the president of the USA at that time got everyone convinced and Tony Blair got involved. The more others experts were denying the statement the more Mr Bush and Mr Blair tried to find evidence to convince the UN to declare war on Iraq. The UN never sanctioned it but USA and UK declared war on Iraq which was illegal. During all this built-up Dr Kelly’s name was revealed.

Soon Dr Kelly was found dead in a nearby wood with his wrists cut. It was in 2003. It looked like suicide although it soon was claimed that there wasn’t enough blood to cause death. An inquiry was launched and Lord Hutton led it.  His conclusion of the case was suicide. It appears that Lord Hutton only spend half-a-day on the medical evidence during all the 24 days of the inquiry.

In March 2011, after the papers were released, it was discovered that none of his fingerprints were on the knife found nearby, nor on the packet of pills he supposed to have taken, mobile phone, watch and a water bottle near his body.

The new information has been sent to the Attorney General Dominic Grieve. The partition was signed by doctors to strengthen the case and re-open a new inquiry. They demanded for further tests to establish whether the fingerprints were erased. The campaigners also pointed out that there were discrepancies between witnesses.  Furthermore, Lord Hutton took no evidence from vascular surgeons or other clinicians on whether death was caused by loss of blood. All this doesn’t show a thorough investigation as expected of a death of such a highly qualified and specialised person like Dr Kelly.

The doctors who campaigned for a new inquest added that they strongly belief if there was a new inquest with a thorough established evidence and information the verdict would definitely not be suicide.

In June 2011 Mr Grieve stated that looking through the papers he could find any no legal basis of referring the case to the High Court. It is the High Court which is the legal authority to order a new inquest. This is an incredible statement to make after proven all the failure of evidences especially by an Attorney General.
In September 2011 the campaigners lodge papers to seek a judicial review of the decision not to hold a new inquiry. The court said there was no impropriety or procedural flaw in the way Mr Grieve has considered the evidence and concluded a new inquiry was unnecessary.

All this is all wrong and definitely not justice. A blindfolded person can see it. Unfortunately, Dr Kelly is not the only one being denied justice to establish the real reason for his death. Most of them are famous and well known names where the evidence had been changed or brushed under the carpet. Even for ordinary people evidence can be withheld and the wrong verdict given. The families who lost a loved one whether famous or not are suffering because they want to know the truth. The person who died certainly deserves better than being lied about their cause of death.

With all due respect courts and judges seem to getting a close, secret society and powerful. They forget they are on taxpayers' money and their duty is to establishing the truth and issue the right verdict. Nothing else. People have too often and too long fought for justice which is utterly and totally wrong. Too many time we read about evidence being withheld or even changed. It is not the way it should be dealt with. The law is the law and judges are there to uphold it and have no right to change evidence to suit the verdict.

The public wants justice but in many cases it was not given. Judges forget that it is the people’s right to have justice 

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