Friday, 26 February 2016


No cutting back there!? !? !? But cuts in the NHS and Welfare.  PM May show your "Equal Society!!!!!! She even granted the MPs a 10 pc rise for 2017.

Update 4 Feb., 2018 -- It shows only one of the Tories and the others are no different. It shows and proves the Expense Scandal still exists. It is also the reason for them to stick together because if Labour comes in their gravy train would grind to a standstill immediately. The same goes for all the fatcats.  NO CUTS -- NO AUSTERITY THERE.

In 2008 a great expense scandal broke lose where MPs claimed either excessive sums of money or for work like a duck house in their garden or cleaning out a moat. The claims were so outrages or ludicrous that it shook the foundation of the House of Commons. 

Voters could not belief their MPs would rip them off to such an extent and at the same time voted themselves a payrise of 10 per cent every year.

A promise was made after the explosive discovery that such grant fiddle will never happen and books will stay open and transparent.

However, looking back nothing has changed. MPs are still claiming incredible sums for dining and entertaining MPs or foreign visitors like the Speaker of the House, Mr Bercow or MPs using chauffeur driven limousine for a trip just down the road or one MP to be taken to the theatre making it wait for four hours while she watch an opera.

MPs voted to abandon the practice for the Speaker naming a MP who has been arrested for fraud or other crimes.

It seems that the cover is being drawn across again and the promise of transparency conveniently forgotten. Despite of several scandals of high expense claims made headlines in the press.

Expense Scandal seems like a volcano. At the moment it is quietly retreating into the murky dark corner of Westminster. Now and then a little blob occurs of some MP overspends again while it starts building up the pressure. Then there will be another explosion. 

Yet at the time of the explosion it is revealed that the Expense Scandal had been going on for years despite of the Audit Department going through every year. There are other departments there purely to watch that the expenses are not getting out of hand and we still hear of Expense Scandals like a dinner costing £2,000 for Mr Bercow; £250 for a chauffeur driven limousine to the Opera House; £250 for a chauffeur driven limousine to be taken to a dinner at Buckingham Palace, waiting and taken back home..

There seems be no moral of spending taxpayers’ money while over 1,000 food banks are across the country to keep people from starvation.

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