According to reports the National Health Service is losing
£12million a year which is far too much out of a very tight budget. This amount
of money is spent on so called Health Tourists. They are people from overseas
like Africa and Asia and demand to be treated by the hospitals. They never
lived in the UK and have contributed to the NHS by paying National Insurance. When
they are treated they will fly back and that is the end of the story as far as
they are concerned.
Now by Law the hospitals should check and ask for
bills, pay slips or bank statements to prove they are living in this country
for at least a year.
The TV programme Panorama run a six months undercover
investigation and they discovered that hospitals do not ask for these
documents. The Health Minister Anna Soubry appeared on the programme and
admitted that the system is flawed.
During a Freedom of Information request to 133
hospitals in England and Wales 45 admitted they do not do this check and 38
never replied.
During further investigation the BBC Panorama also discovered
a black market whereby doctors selling hospital referrals for up to £800 which
allows patients free care.
Furthermore, the original figure has increased in the meantime by 450
per cent and it is now a staggering £40million of unpaid bills.
According to the law only casualty and emergency
maternity care is free to people who are not residence in the UK.
With all due respect and sympathy but this has to be
stopped. £40million to the NHS which budget
had been drastically cut down is a tremendous loss and not fair to the people
of Britain who pay their National Insurance.
This is exactly the point where the government and
trusts which run the hospitals should step in.
The other point is wastage by paying outside consultants paying
millions advising which doctor and nurse will be laid off. Surely the trust or committee which runs the
hospital would have been just as capable or even more so to make a decision.
They know the staff far better than outsiders.
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