Friday, 17 June 2016


UPDATE: 14 Nov., 2016 --
BBCNews announced today that there is a plan of 44 cuts of NHS hospital and A&E closures. Details are secret but it would surely cripple the NHS more. Where are the promised £8bn for the NHS? PM May is worse than Cameron and the soonest a Snap Election is held the better.

Richard Branson, owner of Virgin, bought 200 contracts from the NHS for £700million. Branson is known, from his trains, to cut service and staff to the bare minimum or even beyond if possible. PM May none the better.

UPDAYE 15 July, 2016 --
Mr Hunt has been re-elected as Health Secretary and is at the moment negotiating a contract to privatise the Senior Staff Section, obviously nothing has changed. He has not solved the Junior Doctors' strike and already privatise another section.

The Tories are still determined to break the NHS. High time there is a General Election and the Real Labour comes in with Jeremy Corbyn to save the NHS in the eleventh hours.

My Opinion: Has the PM David Cameron kept his word to pay NHS £8billion? My guess is as good as any other person that he has not. He promised in GE2010 and GE2015 the NHS is safe in his hands. In the GE2015 he will pay £8billion into the NHS. None of the promises had been med or the contrary he breaking the NHS more and more. 

The Tory Government has done everything to break the NHS ever since they got into power. They are determined to privatise it, like the USA, so the insurances can have a bonanza and the Tories in shares.  Everyone knows the situation in America; if you do not have an insurance you will not be treated even if your life depends on it. The insurance in the USA are so expensive that many people can not effort it.

Despite all the effort to break the NHS PM David Cameron announced in the two General Election the NHS is safe in their hands. Even now with the EU referendum vote coming up he trumpets about the NHS is safe if voted to remain in EU membership. Does he really belief people swallow it again?
Even Brussels was honest about and stated that remain in Europe would they would stop the NHS.

By now the voters must be feeling like a rotating door in a storm.

NHS leaders put out a rescue plans to safe the closure of the A&E at the North Middlesex Hospital which treats 500 patients a day. Bart Health which is the biggest trust in the UK runs The Royal London offered to help. The hospital faced a loss of 26 junior doctors because they did not get the necessary training.

New consultants will find a new incentive at the North Middles Universal Hospital by gaining experiences at The Royal London in Whitechapel and hopefully it will save the 26 junior doctors and the A&E. They will be doing shifts in one of the world's top trauma centres.

If the North Mid A&E would have to be closed none of the nearby hospitals have the capacity to cope with the extra number of patience.

But apparently it did not worry David Cameron who replied when questioned at parliamentary Premier Question Time: "Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt will continue to monitor this closely." It is again an answer which says everything and nothing for which Mr Cameron really excels himself whenever a question is put to him.

This is no way a Prime Minister should contact himself because people wants to know when asked and deserve a proper answer.

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